
服务 Offered At Our Los Angeles Location

在加州计算机公司,我们深知您的计算机、数据和时间的重要性. 我们提供卓越的电脑维修服务,在洛杉矶地区,以保证维修, 维护, 并妥善保存您的数据,同时节省您的时间,我们有一个经验丰富的技术人员维修您的设备.

hands performing a computer repair service in los angeles, california


我们的专业计算机技术人员团队为所有台式机提供可靠的维修服务, 移动PC, PC, 和苹果设备. 位于洛杉矶西部,交通便利, 我们采用先进的诊断和解决性能问题与精确的护理-确保您的技术的持续运作.

With experience assisting thousands of satisfied customers, 无论是企业还是个人都信任我们可靠的支持团队,让他们完全放心. 我们通过预防性维护和指导来预防问题-确保客户关键计算设备的持续使用寿命和价值.

  • 快速的服务

  • 授权电脑维修

  • 本地拥有 & 操作

  • 1年劳动 & 部分保修

  • CompTIA A+认证技术人员

We provide the following Repair 服务 For All 电脑

  • Expert diagnosis and troubleshooting: We pinpoint issues with your computer to determine needed repairs.
  • 清除病毒和恶意软件: 我们彻底扫描系统,安全地消除有害的感染和安全威胁.
  • 硬件维修: We have parts and skills for complex fixes, from replacing 损坏的 screens to motherboard component-level micro-soldering.
  • 数据备份和恢复: 我们从故障的硬盘驱动器和损坏的系统中拯救重要的文件和电子邮件.
  • 操作系统安装: 我们可以干净地安装或重新安装Windows、Mac OS或Linux来提高性能.
  • 软件故障排除: 故障程序和应用程序不匹配我们的精明的软件故障排除.
  • 电脑清洁 & 调整: We clear out hardware dust, grime, and temporary files for maximum speed.
  • 无线网络设置 & 支持: We ensure fast, reliable WiFi throughout homes and offices.
  • 新电脑设置 & 传输: We expertly configure new systems and migrate data/settings from old devices.
  • 电脑回收 & 处理: We securely wipe data from old machines before sustainable e-waste recycling.
  • 游戏电脑大楼 & 优化: We assemble high-performance gaming rigs with top components, fine-tune all software and hardware for maximum frames per second, 无缝流畅的游戏玩法.

苹果电脑维修 & 支持

苹果 manufactures devices that function within a constrained environment. Although 苹果's hardware and software are simple to use, maintaining and repairing their products presents numerous challenges.

在加州计算机公司, 我们有一个苹果服务中心,为您提供所有的苹果产品维修需求. We employ 苹果-certified and trusted technicians whom 苹果 regularly refers. 他们为你的imac、macbook、iphone、ipad和ipod提供当天维修服务. 联系 our 苹果-certified service center at +1(800) 727-2552.

We will focus on our exceptional 苹果 computer repair service, which you can trust to provide reliable, 高质量的维修. 苹果 computers can be expensive to replace. 成本友好的维修将节省您的钱,并允许您延长现有设备的使用寿命.

我们的技术人员经过苹果产品维修和保养方面的认证和培训. 服务包括:

  • 苹果电脑屏幕维修: 我们用全新的高品质组件替换破裂或故障的苹果乐投letou下载和台式机屏幕.
  • 苹果数据恢复: We utilize powerful data recovery software and hardware to rescue files, 文档, 媒体腐败, 损坏的, 或者删除存储驱动器.
  • 苹果RAM升级: 我们升级您的Mac的内存容量与新的RAM模块,以提高系统性能, allowing you to multitask intensely without lag or disruption.
  • 苹果数据备份: 我们配置持续的云或外部驱动器备份,以安全地保护您的重要苹果数据,并确保系统故障不会导致生产力损失.
  • 苹果 Hard Drive Repair + Replacement: 我们诊断驱动器问题,更换或修复故障的硬盘驱动器和固态驱动器

We pride ourselves in timely, professional 苹果 device repairs and upgrades. 立即联系或洛杉矶商店,以维护和增强您的关键Mac系统.

联想台式电脑 & 乐投letou下载维修服务

As an authorized 联想 repair center that fixes 联想 notebooks, thinkpad, 台式电脑, 服务器, 和平板电脑. Our authorized technicians will repair any 联想 products you may have, 不管损害有多大, 模型, 或一年. 让我们来修理你的联想电脑. 联系 our 联想-authorized service center at +1(800) 727-2552.

乐投letou下载为您的联想可能遇到的所有问题提供完整的维修服务. Here are some of the issues that you can trust 乐投letou下载 to resolve:

  • Thinkpad修复
  • 直流插孔维修
  • 主板维修
  • 筛网维修及更换
  • 电池更换
  • 键盘修复
  • 内存和RAM升级
  • 硬盘升级
  • 数据恢复

 点击这里 to see a list of the 联想 模型s that we service.


As a certified ASUS service repair center, our technicians can restore your 华硕 移动PC or desktop to peak performance. 游戏钻机修复是一个专业-高性能便携式动力固定与专业知识.

Guaranteed same-day fixes provide rapid reliability. 我们的授权地位意味着卓越的维修超过了标准的服务限制. 库存防止供应意外-常见的组件允许及时维护.


  • ASUS Screen Replacements - Cracked or dim displays fixed briskly
  • Keyboard Replacements - Sticky or unresponsive keys
  • AC Adapter Replacements - Power connectivity restored
  • Battery Replacements - Long-lasting life and charge regained
  • Gaming Graphics Card Upgrades - Video power maximized for dominance
  • SSD Configurations - Storage optimized for lightning speed
  • Revitalize and maximize your ASUS computer with our authorized help. Call for the area's finest ASUS repairs from true experts.


Frequently Asked Questions About Our 电脑维修服务

How Do You Determine What My Repair Will Cost?

准确的报价首先依赖于确定必要修复的评估. We then offer formal estimates itemizing costs based on parts and labor. 所有费用的透明沟通提供了开始服务前的信任和保证. Please know our pricing aims to give the best value while using OEM parts.

How Long Does it Take to Fix My Computer?



然后,我们提供任何所需的部分运输和复杂的安装程序的预期时间表. Generally, most repairs are completed within 24 hours. 如果需要额外的零件,我们将在维修前通知您新的估计.

What Steps Do You Take to Protect My Hard Drive Data?

We take the following steps to protect your data: 

  1. 严格的访问控制:只有直接参与修理计算机的授权技术人员才能访问您的数据. 我们执行严格的访问政策,以防止任何未经授权的查看或复制您的个人信息.
  2. Data Encryption: Before we begin any work, your data is encrypted. This means that even if the data were to be intercepted somehow, it would remain unreadable and secure.
  3. 数据备份:作为预防措施,我们为您的系统创建一个完整的备份. This step ensures that in the unlikely event of data loss during the repair, we have an intact copy to restore from.
  4. Secure Network: Our internal networks, through which your data might be transmitted during diagnostics, 是否设有防火墙和反恶意软件系统以防止任何外部入侵.
  5. 保密协议:我们的团队成员受保密协议的约束, 确保您的数据在必要的修复活动之外不被披露或讨论.
  6. 明确的数据处理协议:我们遵循明确定义的数据处理协议, 其中概述了在整个修复周期中管理和保护客户数据的过程.
  7. Post-Repair Security Audit: After the repair, 我们执行安全审计,以确保没有数据被泄露,并确保您的系统保持安全.
  8. Transparency in Communication: Throughout the repair process, we maintain open and clear communication with you. Should any issues arise that may impact the security of your data, we will inform you immediately and take prompt action.
